Can confidence be learned?

Absolutely. 100%. Most definitely.

Because, put simply, having the confidence to do something means you believe you can handle it.

So when we struggle with low-confidence, it means we do not trust we will be able to handle what might happen. We fear we may experience or feel something unpleasant, and this fear can be enough to stop us from trying, even though it’s what we want.

Coaching enables you to work out what’s stopping you and learn how to overcome that barrier, so you can achieve whatever you wish.

  • Although the coaching with Kate is complete, I now have the confidence to go for what I really desire and that is worth more than the cost of the sessions



Whether it’s confidence in social settings, at work amongst colleagues, the confidence to put yourself out there in order to find friendship or love, you’re not the only one struggling.

Confidence is not a character trait; it’s a feeling. Meaning we will all have moments of self doubt; when we simply can’t muster the courage to go for something we want, even though we know it would benefit us.

Private coaching allows you to work specifically on the areas you wish to gain confidence in, with the undivided attention of a qualified and experienced coach.

I’m so proud of myself for venturing into this unknown area of self improvement and am really committed to carrying on
— Ella

Public Speaking

Does the idea of speaking in front of others fill you with anxiety? Do you find yourself unable to sleep before a presentation because of the nerves? Or do you dread the “Let’s go around the circle and introduce ourselves” moment?!

Many people believe public speaking and terror will always come hand-in-hand, but then why does it not frighten actors? I’ll work with you to take the fear and stress out of public speaking, and give you all the tools and techniques to become a confident speaker.

You might even end up enjoying it!

One of my biggest fears was talking in groups and by the time I left I felt I almost needed to stop talking so much!
— Zoe


Do you find you often have to repeat yourself in order to be understood? Or that your vocal clarity or accent is affecting your ability to communicate socially or professionally?

No one teaches us how to speak, and yet it such a powerful art form that can be studied, practiced and mastered.

We can explore body language, volume, tone, pitch, pronunciation, and pace to elevate your speaking and capture the attention of your audience, turning you into an expert communicator.

I’ve seen a significant change in how others respond to a more relaxed, confident and credible communication style - and more importantly, a more confident me!
— Michael

Time to address your confidence once and for all?

